A very warm welcome to St Bride’s, the Journalists Church, as we come together to honour the memory and to celebrate the extraordinarily rich and active life of Donald Trelford.
Over the years, Donald and members of his extended family have become well known to us here, so we really do share your sense of loss – as we remember with affection a man who was so full of energy and enthusiasm, and who really did leave his mark.
A man of modest stature, he was, nevertheless, a towering figure within the industry that he loved, and which he served so diligently for so very many years.
And for all its complexities, Donald was a man for whom family was always at the very heart of his life – you are very much in our thoughts today.
Let us pray:
Father of all,
we pray to you for those whom we love but see no longer,
especially this day, Donald, whose memory we honour.
Grant him your peace.
Let light perpetual shine upon him,
and work in him the good purpose of your perfect will.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.