The Role of the Parochial Church Council
The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is an executive body of the parish with powers and duties defined by legislation. The PCC is also a registered Charity.
The PCC works with the Rector in promoting the mission of the church. This includes taking forward ‘Mission Action Planning’ and ‘Capital Vision 2030’.
The minister in charge of the parish and the PCC have a duty to consult together on matters of general concern and importance to the parish, and to co-operate in promoting in the parish the whole mission of the church: pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical. This includes almost everything to do with the church’s work in the parish, and its relationship with the deanery and the diocese.
The PCC is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the church and moveable objects; has overall charge of all expenditure; its members are Trustees of the Charity, which entails various responsibilities under charity law.
The PCC is a body corporate, which means that it is a separate body from the people who serve on it.
Download our PCC Code of Conduct.
PCC Membership
- All clerks in Holy Orders beneficed in, or licensed to, the parish
- Deacons or lay workers licensed to the parish
- Readers licensed to the parish, and on the electoral roll of the parish
- Churchwardens
- Lay members of the Deanery, Diocesan or General Synod, who are on the electoral roll of the parish, who serve a five year term
- Lay representatives of the parish elected at the APCM to serve a three year term
- Co-opted members, clerical or lay (optional)
A list of the current St Bride’s PCC membership is given below.
(+) denotes membership of the PCC Standing Committee
The Revd Canon Dr Alison Joyce (+) (Rector and Chair)
Associate Priests:
The Revd Dr Jeff Lake, Associate Priest
The Revd Steve Morris, Associate Priest
Nicholas Baldock, Valerie Locks (+), Lesley-Ann Jones, Graham Hill (+)
Deanery Synod representatives:
Jenny Kingsley, Terence Smith, Justin Urquhart-Stewart
Elected PCC members:
Jill James, Alasdair Johnstone
John McEvoy, Simon Greaves, Geoffrey Burgess, Edward Bowsher (+)
John Forrest (+), Jane Wilkinson, Dominic McGinley
Non-members who are invited to attend PCC meetings:
David Lowish (PCC Treasurer), David Richards (PCC Secretary), James Irving (Head of Finance and Fundraising), Claire Seaton (Administrator)
Financial Statements
- 2020 Financial Statements
- 2019 Financial Statements
- 2018 Financial Statements
- 2017 Financial Statements
- 2016 Financial Statements
- 2015 Financial Statements
- 2014 Financial Statements
- 2013 Financial Statements