Choral Eucharist – All Saints

Sunday 3rd November, 2024, at 11:00 am

Setting: Missa O quam gloriosum – Tomás Luis de Victoria
Psalm: 24: 1-6
Sermon: The Revd Canon Dr Alison Joyce, Rector of St Bride’s
Anthem: How beauteous are their feet – Charles Villiers Stanford
Organ Voluntary: Toccata ‘Placare Christe Servulis’, Op 38 – Marcel Dupré

All are welcome to attend this service of Holy Communion at the heart of our community’s weekly cycle of worship. This service marks the feast of All Saints’ Day on which we celebrate the life and work of the most inspirational figures in the Church’s history, giving thanks for the grace of God working through them. It is also an opportunity to be encouraged by their example in our daily lives.

The music is performed by our professional St Bride’s Choir and organist.

Find out more about the service of Choral Eucharist.

We no longer offer Eucharist services online. However, a specially created short reflection in words and music is released each Sunday morning on our social media channels and on this page.


congregation sitting for service


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