A Lenten read
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, 2nd March and we mark this with a service of Choral Eucharist at 1:15pm. The service includes the imposition of ashes, a sign of penitence, made from the burnt fronds of last year’s Palm Sunday crosses.
The season of Lent offers us all a wonderful opportunity to go on a journey of self-discovery, a time when we can strive to live more simply, and learn to be more attentive to ourselves, to others, and to God.
As in previous years, the Rector has some reading to recommend as part of that journey. In fact, this year, we have two books for you to consider:
Phoebe by Paula Gooder, published by John Murray Press, 2019 – available from the Church House Bookshop and elsewhere
Paula Gooder is a renowned New Testament scholar and friend of our Rector. Phoebe is her first novel and it brings alive first-century Christianity and the apostle Paul as never before.
It tells the gripping life story of the protagonist Phoebe and in doing so opens up Paul’s theology, giving a sense of the cultural and historical pressures that shaped Paul’s thinking, and the faith of the early church.
Seeing Differently: Franciscans and Creation by Br Samuel SSF, Br. Nicholas Alan SSF, and Simon Cocksedge, published by Canterbury Press Norwich, 2021 – available from the Church House Bookshop and elsewhere
Seeing Differently is a timely book for all those concerned about our planet and the issues of climate change and biodiversity loss. The book brings together the stories of St Francis – his preaching to birds, rejection of wealth, caring for lepers, befriending animals and living simply, his poetry and hymnody in praise of creation that is still sung today – and the influential writings and examples of inspiring Franciscans who have followed him.
It explores the long tradition of Franciscans living at peace with creation and asks what lessons can be drawn for today for those who wish to re-examine their relationship with creation.
In Holy Week, after the Maundy Thursday 6pm service, there will also be an opportunity to get together (either virtually or in person) for a group discussion. If you are interested in joining the reading group, please email the Rector
Posted On: Friday 25th February, 2022

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