#RememberingJohn Schofield

John Schofield was a young journalist who had reported in a number of war zones, covering conflicts in Northern Ireland, Beirut, the Gulf and the Balkans for ITN, Channel 4 and the BBC. Whilst working in Bosnia on Radio 4’s The World Tonight on 9th August 1995, John was killed by Croatian soldiers who believed he was working with the Serbians. He was 29 years old.

John’s death was mourned in newsrooms throughout the world. His BBC colleague Robin Lustig paid tribute to him as ‘the kind of man that gives journalism a good name’.

A full house was present at St Bride’s later in the year for his memorial service and, shortly afterwards, John’s widow Susie and some of his friends wanted to commemorate him in a way which would reflect his energy, conscientiousness and generosity. The John Schofield Trust was therefore born, and it continues to this day, providing mentoring and masterclasses for aspiring and early career journalists. 

Sunday 9th August marks the 25th anniversary of John’s untimely death. We remember fondly his work and his character, and we salute the achievements of the John Schofield Trust, which will help to enshrine John’s spirit in tomorrow’s news-gatherers.

The Trust is running a campaign #RememberingJohn on social media platforms over the anniversary weekend and invites those who knew him to post their memories with the hashtag.

A permanent memorial tablet to John can be found on the wood panelling in the North aisle of St Bride’s next to our Journalists’ Altar.

Posted On: Tuesday 4th August, 2020

congregation sitting for service


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